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  Updated 26/7/2024
Carter's Royal Berkshire Steam Fair

We are pleased to announce the introduction of a video trilogy featuring this well known show using previously unseen footage.
On a first ever visit to the region, Carter’s Steam Fair was an instant hit with the people of Lichfield in 2017. A few spots of rain failed to dampen the spirits of the fairgoers who enjoyed the vintage rides time and time again. Every attraction is featured in this DVD, which also has static views of the classic transport. Rides Included Dodgems, Noah’s Ark, Skid, Gallopers, Chairs, Dive Bomber, Octopus. Jets plus many kiddies rides
Pinkneys Green Fair 2004 (1 Hour 12 minutes) DVD £15 only
Carter's Royal Berkshire Steam Fair open by day and at night at Pinkneys Green. Also featured is that pull-on in very, very muddy conditions.
Volume 1: ON THE MOVE ( 48 minutes) DVD £14 only
Carter's transport and loads observed at several locations moving between West Wycombe and Amersham in 1994.
Volume 2: BUILDING UP THE GALLOPERS ( 59 minutes) DVD £14 only
The complete build up of the Steam Gallopers at White Waltham in 1994, with footage of the fair open at Palmer Park in 1995.
Volume 3: THE FAIR ON TOUR (1 Hour 30 minutes) DVD £16 only
Carter's Steam Fair open at various venues - Palmer Park 1994, Chorleywood 1994, Palmer Park at night in 1998, and at Great Sailing, Essex in 2002. Includes the new double Divebomber ride.

(All prices are for DVD or VHS video unless otherwise stated. All titles available in both formats unless otherwise stated.).