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  Updated 26/7/2024
1: Some of the vintage attractions arriving at Lincoln Showground for the August 2008 Rally, including the Moonrocket, Rotor & Paul Hyman’s smart Foden and ERF Dodgem transport. 2: Michael Evans’ coverage of the pull off at Telford in Spring 1991 featured a nice Scammell Pioneer winching the loads off a very muddy tober. Featured are: G.Stoke’s Dodgem, T.Cogger’s Superbob, W.Roberts’ Meteorite and other rides. 3: A visit to Burton On Trent in 2008 for the lunchtime pull on, which sees some intricate positioning of the showmen’s rides. Henry Stanworth’s Maxwell Waltzer was probably making it’s final appearance here, with a replacement machine due in 2009
Length:- 55 minutes

DVD Cost:- £14 (Not Available on Video)

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