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  Updated 26/7/2024
For many years, DONCASTER’S RACECOURSE has hosted two substantial funfairs, (and still does today), one at Whitsun and a larger presentation in September, coinciding with the St.Leger race meeting. Both contain a huge selection of rides, including a Waltzer with Superbob style cars, Beach Buggy Dodgems, Holland’s vintage Cakewalk, whilst Warwick’s Skid attended both. International Funfairs opened in DONCASTER Town Centre in 1995 with superb line up of attractions, including a Giant Wheel, which had opened in Leeds shortly before. 1997 saw our camera at KIMBERWORTH for a very tidy fair, which included the “Elite Waltzer” of Alexandra Moran, formerly one of two travelled by legendary Doubtfires
Length:- 47 minutes

DVD Cost:- £10 (Not Available on Video)

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