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  Updated 26/7/2024
Over twenty years have passed since this footage was originated and how times have changed. Rides such as Billy Wawick’s Skid, Roger Hall’s Divebomber, Arthur Holland’s Matterhorn, Albert Holland’s Cyclone and Paratrooper, William Wood’s Skyliners, James Mellors’ Sizzler and Orbiter are just memories. The market area at BAKEWELL has been redeveloped meaning James Whiting’s fair has been relocated across the river, but the fair at BUXTON continues as before with only Bert Holland’s Waltzer regularly attending amongst the more modern rides of today.
Length:- 1 Hour

DVD Cost:- £10 (Not Available on Video)

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(All prices are for DVD or VHS video unless otherwise stated. All titles available in both formats unless otherwise stated.).