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  Updated 26/7/2024
Seen by many as rivalling Nottingham Goose Fair, Hull Fair can more than hold it’s own, and this volume covers visits in 1998 and 2000. Rides included: King Loops, Seastorm, Topspin, High Roller, Dolphin Coaster, Jamming Coaster, Discovery Evolution, Mega Star Wheel, Vortex Wheel, Spiral Toboggan Coaster, Spinning Mouse Coaster, Mulan Caterpillar, Extreme Chaos, Over The Top, Top Buzz No.1, Crazy Machine Twist, Super Spin, Crazy Bulls, Dodgems, Waltzers, Matterhorns, Orbiters, Gallopers, Twists and loads more.
Length:- 1 Hour 16 minutes

DVD Cost:- £10 (Not Available on Video)

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(All prices are for DVD or VHS video unless otherwise stated. All titles available in both formats unless otherwise stated.).