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  Updated 26/7/2024
The complete build up of Howard Maden’s Maxwell-Lakin built Moonrocket ride in it’s 70th Anniversary year which coincided with it’s 10th appearance at the Lincoln Steam Rally in 2008. Originally travelled by the Shaw family from Lancashire, it attended such major fairs as Newcastle Town Moor, Nottingham Goose Fair and Hull until 1982. Howard Maden acquired the ride in 1992, and along with family & friends restored the ride to it’s current condition and it is the only complete surviving example of it’s type. This DVD also sees the ride open for the first time in their ownership at Rawcliffe in 1993, at Harewood House Steam Rally and at Hull Fair in 1994. Hold tight for a fast ride!
Length:- 1 Hour 48 minutes

DVD Cost:- £18 (Not Available on Video)

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(All prices are for DVD or VHS video unless otherwise stated. All titles available in both formats unless otherwise stated.).