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  Updated 26/7/2024
Preview.... Sunday 6th November 2011 marked the end of an era for Blackpool’s Tramway when the final “everyday” service featured the Heritage Trams. This programme sees cars leaving the depot on that final day, and operating between Metropole and Pleasure Beach on what turned out to be a cloudless day. As per normal in 2011, the mainstay of the service was with Centenary Cars. Cars seen are by day only included: 631, 632, 642, 643, 644, 645, 646, 647, 648, 672+682, 715, 718, 719 & 761. Running time: 50 minutes

BONUS TRACK FOOTAGE “On Tram” front facing footage from the upper deck of Balloon 715 from Cabin to Little Bispham and back to the Pleasure Beach and South Pier Running time: 37 minutes
Length:- 1 Hour 27 minutes

DVD Cost:- £10 (Not Available on Video)

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(All prices are for DVD or VHS video unless otherwise stated. All titles available in both formats unless otherwise stated.).