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  Updated 26/7/2024
LOCOMOTIVE CAB RIDE: Buxton – Great Rocks - Altrincham
Commences with Brush Type 4 locomotive 47441 in a light engine movement from Buxton to Great Rocks Junction and it’s reversal into the ICI Tunstead Sidings complex in order to collect a rake of loaded ICI vacuum braked hopper wagons bound for Oakleigh Sidings at Northwich. From here, the on board camera follows the route via the former main line Midland route through Peak Forest Summit, Chinley and New Mills as far as Altrincham station. Filmed: 26th February 1990 Digitally edited from VHS Analogue footage. No commentary -- With location captions
Length:- 1 Hour 20 minutes

DVD Cost:- £10 (Not Available on Video)

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(All prices are for DVD or VHS video unless otherwise stated. All titles available in both formats unless otherwise stated.).