Well known with Northampton are Scarrott’s Amusements, and these are seen in the picturesque ABINGTON PARK in 1995. Next stop is the SIXFIELDS complex for a good selection of quality rides, including the Apollo Skid 2000,
previously travelled by T.Pratley, along with Matthews’ Skyfire and Matterhorn rides. Nowadays no longer held, the busy ST.CRISPIN street fair was always a magical experience, none more so than in 1998 where on offer were the Top Buzz, Seastorm, Rolling Thunder, Megaspin and High Roller of
Stevens’ Amusements, Topspin, Rodeo Bulls, Freddy’s
Revenge, Pont’s Hangover, the Skyfire and many more
Content previously used on Roundabouts Vols. 6, 11 and 12